Indirect Inguinal Hernia Facts

>> Saturday, April 24, 2010

Indirect inguinal hernias are congenital and more common in males because of the type of development in the womb: a male fetus the spermatic cord and the two testicles, from an intra-abdominal position, descend through the inguinal canal in scrotum, the sac that contains the testicles. Sometimes the input of the inguinal canal does not close properly, leaving a portion of tissue is particularly weak in the abdominal wall. Parts of intestine slips through the weakness in the inguinal canal causing a hernia.

Indirect inguinal hernia in females is caused by the sliding of a portion of a body part of the genitourinary system or the small intestine through a weakness in the abdominal wall. Indirect hernias are the most common type of hernia. Premature infants are particularly prone to indirect inguinal hernia because there is less time for the inguinal canal closes.
Direct inguinal hernia.

The direct inguinal hernia is caused by degeneration of the connective tissue of the abdominal muscles, which causes a weakening: occurs only in males. The hernia involves parts of fat or intestine finding space through the weak groin muscles. Direct hernia develops gradually due to constant stress on the muscles, one or more of the following factors can cause pressure on the abdominal muscles and worsen a hernia:

* Sudden twist, sprain,
* Lifting heavy objects,
* Voltage constipation,
* Weight gain
* Chronic cough.

The direct and indirect inguinal hernias usually move back and forth spontaneously through the inguinal canal and can often fall in the belly with a little pressure.

By Dr Bell


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